Friday, March 12, 2010

Everything's Boobier (on the way to) Texas

My brother is moving to Texas to teach history at Texas A&M. I'm SO proud of him, but also really sad that he's DITCHING me on the East Coast. I'm going to accompany him on the drive to Texas, and he said we could stop at Dollywood on the way. I can never tell if he's kidding or serious, but, oh please, oh please be serious. I love Dolly Parton. 9 to 5 is one of my favorite movies. She's just so sunny and positive, and I'm even reading her out-of-print autobiography, Dolly Parton: My Life and Other Unfinished Business, right now. My friend, also a huge Dolly fan, loaned it to me. Also, if you've never listened to the albums Trio or Trio II from Dolly Parton, Linda Ronstadt and Emmylou Harris, you're crazy.


Maggie said...

I'm so jealous! I want to go on a road trip with you guys! That sounds like the funniest, most sarcastic road trip ever!

Also I'm so glad to hear that you can't tell when he's joking either. I talk to Josh about some conversation I've had with him and Josh will say, "You know he was joking about that" or " You know he just made that up, that's a total lie." Or we'll ask each other, "Do you think that story he told was true?" or "He wasn't serious, right?" He's such a good liar! I'm always impressed! I'm a terrible liar!

Your Brother said...

Oh god, you were serious about tha...I mean, of COURSE we're going to Dollywood!!

And HEY. I only lie 86 percent of the time. The rest: ALL true.


Lillie said...

ahhhh I'm glad you mentioned it- I thought I'd lost my favorite book in the move! Literally, last weekend I went: "WHERE IS DOLLY, MY LIFE AND OTHER UNFINISHED BUSINESS." Because I need to say the whole title when I'm screaming about it. Also, apparently I have zero short term memory having loaned it to you like a month and a half ago. Further, why am I screaming about Dolly, My Life and Other Unfinished Business to myself alone in my new apartment? Something to consider.