Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Benefit of Mom on

I just got off the phone with my mother who has recently joined Facebook. She has eight friends and has already blocked seeing my sister's status updates because they can be COLORFUL, shall we say.
Today she told me she saw pictures from [event withheld] and [people withheld] looked like the banjo players from Deliverance. I've never seen this movie, but luckily I found the clip online:

I guess this is a very vague post if you can't see the original pictures, but I hadn't laughed that hard in awhile because the truth can sometimes be hilarious, as they say. My mom's a funny lady.

1 comment:

Carl said...

FUN FACT: That movie was filmed in (and used local extras from) the same part of north Georgia in which my family vacationed as a child.

Nothing like a Southern boyhood...