Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Best Part of Moving Away ...

... is friends willing to go out on a Monday for drinks. Today, my friend Stevie emailed me to ask if she was imagining that I had taken pictures on Monday night when we went to my favorite local bar Sweet Afton. I took my camera out of my bag and flipped through. The last pictures I had were of my current room for a Craigslist ad, and then pictures of my friend Lillie's girlfriend mock-humping a guy who had passed out drunk at a bus stop (what?).
Then. Then, I checked my cell phone camera and WOW. Why didn't I remember this until now? Well, something in the neighborhood of six beers and a "Pickleback" shot (whiskey followed by pickle juice) is a pretty good place to start. Here it is, the photo series from Monday night, presented without commentary.


Lillie said...

I need to spend more time in Queens.

Emily Maple said...

This just showed me that I'm not the only person who takes their pants off in public.

Yay Somerville! Davis?

When you make it to Coolidge, I'll buy you a drink at The Regal Beagle.

literating said...

It's closer to Porter, actually, but I'm hoping to find something closer to Davis long-term.

I will definitely take you up on that drink, internet friend! :)

Emily Maple said...

Oooo! Porter's fun, too. But a little young for me. La la love Davis. Red Bones. Mmmmmmm...